Thursday, May 11, 2006

UGH!!! I have NO VOICE!!!

I have just a moment on the computer, so I thought I would update this a bit and let y'all know what's happening.

I have been so sick the last few weeks. It started out with allergies and went into pneumonia. Now that that is a bit over, the cough that I have had has literally left me with no voice. I get to coughing so violently it seems, that it's a wonder it hasn't ripped my vocal cords to pieces.

My hubby has taken over all my swaps it seems. I only wonder what he has done once I get back online to look things over.

I have been off work, and with this new cough medicine that Dr. has given me, I sleep most of the time now anyways. The Dr. says that is good, as he does not want me to utter one word so that my voice can start to mend itself. It got to the place that when I did speak, it hurt my head from the strain. My throat doesn't hurt, but the sinus pressure is almost unbearable at times.

Oh well....that is what's happening with me. What's happening with you??


Anonymous said...

I am happy to see that you are up, at least for a little while. Spoke to Duane not to long ago, and he says that you feeling better, just no voice. What bliss that must be, LOL. Sorry, couldn't resist.


Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.