Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye 2007, Hello 2008

Where has the time gone? So much has happened this past year, yet it only seems that the year just started a few months ago. Reflecting back....I thought I would just post some memorable pictures.


Anonymous said...

That was very good Carol, I really enjoyed it, you have quite a few wonderful pictures. Glad to hear you had a Great Christmas.
Happy New Year, Mary

OldLady Of The Hills said...

What a lovely montage.....I always love the marriage of pictures and music together....Music always enhances the visual in such a vedry sweet way....! Thank You for sharing this and THANKS So Much for youyr comment too!
I hope 2008 will be a WONDEERFUL Year for you and yours, in every possible way!

Anonymous said...

Wow I loved it!!!!! Themusic went well with it too!!!! 2008 will be great!

Anonymous said...

Carol - This is good news! I'm so happy for you that you and your family have gotten together. You and your daughter especially!! I know how much you missed her and I know how much you love her - I can't tell you how happy I am for you!!
Your New Year is going to be a good one now!!
Great pictures as always - you are so good with that camera!!!
I missed you at the last crop night. I will see you at the next one for sure!!!
Love ya, your friend,

Anonymous said...

That was great! Keep taking those picktures! Love the song you picked, so perfect for the slide show.