Friday, August 03, 2007


Not much really happening around here. I am just waiting for class on it is with Lance Anderson from Rusty Pickle. He will be teaching his Pirate Book, and I just love it. I want his Travel book also. I'm going to have to ask him if I can buy that one from him, since there is no class nearby for it.

I got a promotion at work, so I am quite jazzed about that. I'm now going to handle all new accounts. Cool.

Duane threw his back out the other day, so he has been 'gingerly' walking about, when he can.

It's still HOT around here. I am so NOT a heat person. Give me a nice spring day or snow, and I'm happy. you can tell, not much happening. Gotta get ready to scoot.......

1 comment:

Beckie said...

Hope you had a great time at the class :)