Thursday, August 30, 2007

Catch Up Time.....

It has been a few since I blogged last. I need to develop the habit of blogging everyday. Some of my best friends blog 1-3 times a I need to try at least to 1 a day.

Anyway...I have been quite busy. I'm packing, making final preparations for our big trip. I am so excited...and yet I really haven't mentioned it here online. For a good reason too...but that we can go into later.

My granddaughter is at church camp. I miss her...and I know that she is having the time of her life. I made her a prayer journal so that she can write in daily. She loved the fact that hers was unique and no one would have anything like it. LOL

We went up north to visit my bestest ever friend, Hollye. It was her grandson's 8th birthday. I haven't seen Vincent since he moved to North Carolina. He is growing into a fine young man. He's very well mannered...and is very polite. He's an awesome kid. Allister is adorable and a little hell-on-wheels. LOL Definitely has his own agenda. He sure looks up to Vincent. Two great boys they are.

It's been a long time too since I have seen Selena. We had a great visit...and of course...sadly, we had to go. I miss having Hollye down here. Duane and I love making that trip tho. Nice drive - nice scenery - nice friends.

I got a few pictures of the lunar eclipse. I didn't have the camera on a tripod, so of course they
didn't turn out as I would like...but oh well. I totally forgot about it too. I was standing in the shower and happened to look out the window when I thought I saw the moon disappearing. I yelled to Duane..and he says, Oh yeah, the eclipse. Needless to say..I hurried, and dressed and stuff...and went outside to view this. AWESOME. I stood there trying to imagine what it would like to see the Northern Lights. Only 48 more hours...and I can say I saw those too.

Nothing much else is happening. OH yeah... my 42 year old brother asked his girlfriend to marry him. Dang...didn't think they were THAT serious. I am going to have to start paying closer attention.

Well, I'm off to finish packing. Keep checking back, as I plan to blog the entire trip. WoooHoooo!!!!

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