Sunday, January 29, 2006

About Them Poinsetta's.....

Ok, I am hoping y'all read the last WORD OF THE MOMENT. I really like that word. TRUTHINESS That word says a lot, huh? Well, that is also the underlying statement behind my blog....TRUTHINESS. I do write the truth, except, I don't write ALL the facts. If I did, the story wouldn't be all that interesting, now would it?

So with all that is a picture of a FACT, that will explain a recent entry onto my blog. Now, all you that posted something negative.....feel pretty stupid now, doncha ???

So LIGHTEN UP people......they are just words on a blog. You beleive EVERYTHING you read????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carol, I have read your blog throughout and I have read the comments that others have left. While I have never met you, I have "talked" to you a few times via email. I find your humor to be a breath of fresh air. You seem to take an everyday event, and can make some sort of story about it. I honestly think that you are in the wrong field, you really should be a writer, and I am serious when I say that.

I did a search on your name, and I have read a lot of your posts, and I can't find where you are "mean spirited" as the comment above states. I wonder what post she is talking about because I just don't see it. I think I know who the 'friends' are that the poster is referring to, and I do not see you jumping to "her" defense everytime. Altho I do not agree with your "friend" most of the time, she does have a right to say what she thinks.

I also chose to post this anonymous because, like the comment states, I am also a part of "that monkey group".

You're funny, keep on posting. I do enjoy reading what you have to say. (OK, see, people can post quite pleasant remarks.)