Friday, February 22, 2008

Rain, Rain and more Rain....

It's raining!! It has been raining since last night and hasn't let up at all. I'm not complaining because we so need it, but I need new windshield wipers, LOL. I'm thinking that I am going to have to run out at lunch later today and buy some. Little things that one just doesn't think of.

Did I show y'all what my 'secret valentine' made for me? Check this out. Isn't it cute? My very own SECRET STASH. Filled with lots of goodies too. I haven't heard if my secret valentine has received hers yet. She should have....since it was mailed Monday of last week. And the post office wonders why people email instead of using snail mail.

Going to another crop tomorrow. I bought TONS of kits and stuff at the Expo, and am quite anxious to use them. I'm thinking tho, to save them for our Big Bear retreat. That way I can pack light, LOL. Ok, who am I kidding? Packing light? To a retreat? HaHaHaHa. I have been the last two years, and have had a total blast. I can hardly wait for May to get here.

Well, I'm off to the rain.

1 comment:

GrizzBabe said...

So. Cute. I wish I had the patience to create something that pretty.