Saturday, January 14, 2006

What an AWESOME vacation!!!

I'm BACK !!!! Well, actually got back a bit earlier in the week, but I have just been too busy to post anything.

We had an AWESOME time in Laughlin. I met my hubby's sister for the first time. She's just fantastic. We stayed at the Colorado Belle, and just forgot about the outside world. We visited and gambled the days away. On Saturday tho, we did go out to Finger Rock (located in Bullhead City, AZ) to go shooting. People often wonder why they call it Finger Rock. Look at the picture, and you tell me, LOL It's just up past Katherine's Landing on Highway 95. Nice place to go shooting.

We took only 5 of the guns this year, and kept the 4 o
f us quite busy. Here is a picture of my sister-in-law and my hubby. She did pretty good considering it was her first time ever shooting a gun. I want to do a layout of the I thought I would somehow get in the picture, nice nails, huh? I had them done just for this picture, LOL.

After we spent 3 hours shooting (we took LOTS of ammo with us), we decided to go to Oatman, AZ. It's not too far away from Laughlin, and the day was beautiful, so why not. We went to all the little shops, watched a 'mock' shoot-out in the middle of the street, met some really nice people as we walked up and down the street. I love the fact that there are wild burro's all over the town, and if they happen to go into one of the shop, oh w
ell, they are welcomed. We had bought 7 bags of carrots to feed them. Seems if you have carrots, they will following you to the ends of the earth. The town did have signs up tho informing all not to feed the baby's as they are still nursing and could choke. We all had fun with them. Hubby gave a few bags to some little girls who were just watching, and you should have seen their faces light up. Then I heard my sister-in-law laugh and when I turned around, I got this picture. PRICELESS. Hubby feeding his ass. Gotta love it!! After we ran out of carrots, we thought it be best if we went ahead and go back to the casino for dinner and more gambling.

We get back to the Colorado Belle, and cleaned up and had dinner then off to the blackjack tables. I had never played blackjack in a casino before so hubby showed me how. WOW, much different than playing online! I was having the time of my life. There is this one blackjack table, where if you make a side bet that you will get a 21 with your first 2 cards, you get to spin this wheel. WELL, let me tell you.....I kept betting that little sidebet and got to spin that wheel 9 times. Whatever number it landed on, you got that times your sidebet. One time, I felt a little daring, and placed $3 on the sidebet and hit the 1000, paying me $3,000. Not bad, huh? I noticed after awhile that no one was at the crap table, and never having played that before, I decided to go try my luck. So I took a $5 and 2-$1 chips with me. After about an hour and a half of playing, I walked back to the blackjack to show hubby the payola. We estimated I had 'bout $425. All in all, we came home with just a little over $6,000. Not bad for just taking $1,000 up to play with, huh?

On our way home, hubby said that we would stop in at Calico so that I could see the difference between there and Oatman. What a HUGE difference. Calico is nice, BUT, it's just so (how do I put this) touristy. I loved the ambiance of Oatman.

It was a GREAT vacation. The 4 of us will be doing this again next year, as we ALWAYS go the first weekend in January.


Anonymous said...

Funny how you think her Blog is packed with fabricated stories......but you continue to read them the minute she posts them. The shame should be on you. If you don't appreciate her Blog, then ignore it. You appear to find time out of your day to give her the attention you say she wants.

Anonymous said...

AMEN--to anonymous #1,

Anonymous said...

that should read...

AMEN to anonymous #1 & #3.