Saturday, July 14, 2007


Getting ready for an all day'er. Gonna go crop from 11am - midnite. I have so much stuff to finish up. I had bought a few of kits from this place called Hang Ten. Anyway....the stuff is nice, but you never get the ENTIRE contents. I have bought 5 kits...thinking, ok, maybe this time. But nope...I ALWAYS have to go buy something...whether it's the CORRECT piece of paper, the flower used...something. Always something. I love the instructions, paper, and the project itself...but, when you don't send something's just not worth it anymore. A few of my friends say they are usually missing something also. Oh well, it's a new company...I'll give it a few more tries.

I have been busy printing pictures this morning. I have a few albums that I want to complete. I also want to make my own WORD BOOK using my new Cricut Expressions machine. Dang, this thing does just about everything. So I want to make a few using the grandkids names. I'll have to post that one later.

Not much last night. I did watch Ice Truckers. Dang...can you imagine hauling that stuff over a FROZEN LAKE? You couldn't pay me enough to walk over it....let alone haul tons of steel like that.

Ok.....I'm off to get ready. Well, I'm ready, but we need to drop the dog off at the groomers, and explain to her that I just want a puppy cut, not a poodle cut. Make Ricoshay look too grown up.

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