Sunday, July 15, 2007

Trip to the Groomer

Before I went to the crop yesterday, Hubby and I took Ricoshay to the groomers. Since she just had all her shots, our groomer will finally take her. She's five months...and ready for a FULL cut. We did have the vet groom her a few months ago....but just a trim. I didn't think she would look all that different. Boy was I shocked.

So we leave the house....and half way there, I discovered I left the receipt for her rabies shot at home. Luckily, we were a block from the vet' we stopped in there so that I could get a copy of it. Of course, Ricoshay recognizes the building, as she immediately jumps in the back seat, out of arms reach. Little did she know....this wasn't her destination.

We get to the groomers, and the look on her poor, pitiful face changes. That smile she had looked like it had changed to a frown. I did tell the groomer that this was her first time, and that she had to get her nails cut the other day, and that it took the vet and 2 others to hold this poodle down. She laughed....and took my puppy, assuring me that Ricoshay would be just fine and for us to pick her up after 2:30. I look at my was 11:15. Hubby and I look at each other....and slowly walk out, laughing.

Hubby then takes me to the crop, brings my stuff in, and tells me that he will drop back by with Ricoshay when she is finished.
O M G .... he walked in, and I couldn't believe that in his arms, was my puppy. She was no longer the fat little poodle I thought she was. She now looked like a clipped rat. We opted in the very beginning when we got her not to 'bob' her tail. It gives her character, I think.

Oooooooh, isn't she cute tho?? She's so loved here.....yep...happy dog.

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