Thursday, July 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Nichole.....

Tuesday was my daughter's 30th birthday. She has grown and matured into a fine, remarkable woman. I cannot tell you just how proud of her that I am. She has been a single mom for the last 14 years, and has never let that fact get the best of her.

She has always put her daughter before her...making sure that she had a roof over her head, clothes to wear, and food on the table WITHOUT assistance. When she moved out and onto her own, I was devastated. I couldn't bear it, knowing that she wasn't under my wing anymore so to speak.

She is currently looking to move - to San Diego. It's a little over an hours drive from here...but still, it's far. She's changing jobs, and has got to move closer, I understand that. Leave my granddaughter with me tho. Ok..I just had second thoughts on that one, LOL. For a weekend ... yeah, leave her hear on weekends.

I'm just so proud of my daughter. So very proud.

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